An Online Study for Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
by Jessica Richardson on
March 04, 2013 | 16:17 pm

As part of her doctoral studies at the University at Buffalo, Molly Wolf, LMSW, is conducting a research study on the long-term effects of child sexual abuse. Please see further information, including a link to the study, below. Darkness to Light is not affiliated with this study.

You are invited to participate in a clinical research project that examines your experiences of child sexual abuse and related issues concerning that abuse. Your participation is completely voluntary, and this study will take about 30 – 40 minutes to complete. Most of the questions will be about your experiences of child sexual abuse, your memory of the events, and related issues. The results of this study should help to further our understanding of the effects of child sexual abuse on memory. This understanding will help researchers and therapists to develop more effective intervention programs to assist survivors of child sexual abuse.  The link to the study is

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